We conduct scientific and public health research in low and middle income countries (LMICs) around the world, primarily in Myanmar and Indonesia. Our research focuses on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework, from which communities can learn and incorporate best practices to live in healthy, sustainable environments. Our priority areas include SDG #3 “Good Health and Wellbeing”, SDG #4 “Quality Education”, and SDG #5 “Clean Water and Sanitation”.
GEH LAB offers young professionals around the world an opportunity to build their health research and sustainable development skills, from designing studies, writing scientific publications, presenting at public health conferences, and conducting hands-on field research in a global setting. Visit our Research Program page to learn more about our annual 3-week summer field immersion program.
We also provide public health research workshops for organizations and institutions, with staff experienced in project design and implementation, sustainable development, and research methods and analysis. For a comprehensive list of services, view our Sample Workshops and Research Topics page.
Make an impact while building your capacity to conduct community public and environmental health research. Students and young professionals from around the world are trained through a 3-week program in Myanmar and Indonesia.
In addition to communicating the results of our health research to the communities we work in, we engage local decision-makers to improve public health policy from our findings. One of our most successful sustainable development and capacity-building projects included the establishment of the Tobacco Control Centre at Universitas Hasanuddin. Our team helped build a framework for young researchers to explore the harmful effects of smoking, and mobilize grassroots advocacy campaigns to pass a smoke-free tobacco policy within the city of Makassar, Indonesia.
A couple of our past notable environmental health research projects include investigating the occupational health hazards from artisanal gold mining in Myanmar and the efficacy of wearing face masks to reduce particulate matter exposure in Eastern Indonesia. We place an emphasis on collaboration, conducting interdisciplinary research with faculty and students at universities and other community based organizations across the globe.
Click here to contact us about customized health research training for your faculty, students and staff!
Click here to learn about our health research program in Myanmar!
This video about a mosquito bone illness project in Myanmar provides a great example of how we work. Thank you to Karl Seifert for producing this video.