GEH LAB global health scholars have published articles on a variety of environmental health research including the impacts of life in a landfill, air pollution exposures, arsenic in infant food, factors contributing to diarrhea and acute respiratory infections in children, and disaster waste characteristics post Great East Japan earthquake.
GEH LAB has presented papers, posters and programs on our environmental health research at the 2016 and 2017 APHA Conferences, the 2017 WADEM Congress, AAAS, CUGH, Global Health and Innovation, and the Midwestern Universities for Global Health Annual Meeting.
GEH LAB shares our global health research through seminars and lectures. Recent seminars include 180 Degrees Consulting, the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), and Maastrich University. Symposia have also been held at Magway and Yadanabon Universities in Myanmar.